All wells are at peak production on day one after which production of oil decreases and water production increases as the equilibrium changes over time. This makes the well less and less profitable. SANCCUS have a full catalogue of additives from matrix acidizing to fracturing gel treatments.
Matrix acidizing involves the placement of an acid in the wellbore to dissolve and remove impediments to production without fracturing the rock and damaging the reservoir. The acid will come into contact with hydrocarbon downhole so additives must be mixed into it to prevent the formation of sludges and emulsions.
Fracturing on the other hand aims to deliberately fracture the rock with an overburden of hydraulic pressure and then hold open or "prop" open the cracks with sized sand called proppant. Water or hydrocarbons based gels are used to suspend and carry this proppant into the fracture formation creating a conduit for enhanced production.